A downloadable game

This game is currently in development

Collect over 150 swords and battle enemies in a grid-based fields. Swords Box is rogue-like deck-builder that requires tactics and risk/reward to overcome hurdles. 

- Over 150 of varied swords for you to collect.

 - Over 60 types of enemies, ranging from slimes to skeletons to goblins to evil sorcerers and more.

- Each sword takes a number of slots and it’s up to your tactics to fit your needed swords and overcome hurdles.

- Pixel art aesthetic and elegant UI adorned with gold.

- Swords synergies with each other, allowing for smart tactics.

- Encounters ranging from battles, challenges, treasure rooms, shops, and more, ending with a boss fight. 

- Obtain relics or swords with special abilities and enhance your chances at victory.

Trailer music by: https://sonatina.itch.io/

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What other platforms?

The plan? all of them :D

However, Steam has a large fee which is a barrier of entry for me. So for now itch.io and GOG.

When is it going to be available?

Likely late 2025

Is there going to be a demo?

Yes, I'm working hard on it.

How could you assist?

That would be incredible. Give me a follow here to stay updated. Follows on socials are tremendous help as well. Donation are life savers.